Celtic Coyotes

Traditional music from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and Brittany. Contact: Doug Cowan celticcoyotes@yahoo.com (710-0583).

Rye Creek

Folk, Irish, western and good old mountain music. Contact Terry Ryan Axline, 293-8924 (neomexicana@hotmail.com) or Ron Trellue, 505-362-2551 (trellue@swcp.com). 

Saoirse ("seer shih," Irish for "freedom")

Celtic music from Scotland, Ireland, Brittany, and Galacia, spiced with jazz and world beat. Contact: Harlow Pinson at hpinson@indepthl.com or 994-2135. 

Support Your Local Celtic Musicians!

The musicians who appear on this page are also members in good standing of the IAS. If you are looking for Irish/Scottish/Celtic music for an event, please contact the individual/groups directly.


Celtic and American Folk with a twist, variety of instruments and vocals. Contact: Kathy Wimmer (249-7012 kmillewimm@comcast.net)

The Duke City Ceili Band will entertain you with fast paced jigs and reels, lilting waltzes, and rousing sea shanties from the Irish traditional repertoire. Find them on Facebook or contact Harlow Pinson (jabbas40@yahoo.com).

The Singing Coyote Sisters

Donna Coy & Michelle Palmer perform Celtic, Folk, Gospel, and Sing-A-Longs. Contact: 296-2017 or 730-1985 mmcoy3@msn.com

Friends Forever

Michael and Donna Coy and Chris Nelson play Celtic, Folk, Cowboy and Originals. Contact: 296-2017 or 250-4429; mmcoy3@msn.com.

Michele Buchanan Harper

765-1288 (tmbuchs@gmail.com) 

Iscuma ("It Doesn't Matter"

Traditional Irish and Celtic music with Kathy Wimmer and Marc Roberts. For information, contact Kathy at 249-7012.