by Font Meme
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The McTeggart Irish Step Dancers
Next Event:
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Noon to 3:30 PM
at the Ramada Plaza
2020 Menaul NE
St. Patrick's Day Party!
Entry Fee
$10 Adults; $5 Children (5 to 12 years);
free for under 5 years
(The entry fee is used to pay the performers
and the event rental.)
Tickets may be purchased in advance here
or at the door with cash, check, or credit card.
Featured Entertainment
12:15 PM: Wandering the Burren
1:30 PM: The Irish Setters
2:45 PM: McTeggart Irish Step Dancers
Pot Luck!!
Please bring a dish to share
and mark your utensils with your name.
Cash bar provided by
the Ramada Plaza
(coffee, tea, water complimentary)
Everyone is welcome!
Invite your friends and bring your family!
The Irish Setters
Need help with getting an Irish passport or have questions regarding travel in Ireland?
Visit the Consulate General of Ireland's site here.
Are you looking for Irish/Celtic Music Entertainers? Just click here.
Wandering the Burren
The Irish-American Society of New Mexico, based in Albuquerque, NM, wishes you a hundred thousand welcomes to our site!